Every Candidate Has a Story to Tell: Looking Past the Resume

December 5th, 2014
Emily Hatch
Candidate Experience,
Video Interviewing

EVERY CANDIDATE HAS A STORY TO TELL It’s all too common for companies to find a perfect job candidate on paper, only to have them exhibit less than stellar job performance after hiring. While some candidates have a perfect résumé with extensive industry experience, this experience does not always translate into success later on.Meanwhile another candidate, who may be perfect for the position is overlooked, never getting the chance to tell their story. This problematic hiring issue occurs when companies simply browse through a stack of resumes. Organizations should consider changing their hiring tactics to focus less on past experiences and more on the candidate's qualities that predict future performance through digital screening processes. Don't Underestimate Potential What companies are starting to realize is that they need to seek out potential, not just a list of skills or experience. Candidates who are teachable and willing to learn new skills, processes and company intricacies will become more and more critical as the aging workforce and emerging technologies demand younger employees. Assessing potential leadership ability requires more than just a piece of paper with credentials. It means assessing the individual’s motivation, excitement about their career and how engaged they seem about the company. Evaluating Potential So, just how do you evaluate someone’s potential? It requires companies to look past a candidate's resume and ask questions that will help a candidate show their abilities and full potential. Look for candidates who want to make a real impact through their work, rather than ones who like to be recognized for it. The best candidates will show a love of learning new things and a desire to constantly improve on what they do. Don’t discount candidates who need industry training. Unless you’re a legal firm or medical clinic, it’s likely that a motivated candidate can easily learn many of the day-to-day skills. Don’t Confuse Fit With Potential Lastly, some employers confuse a cultural fit as potential, which leads to disappointment when a candidate doesn't work out. Getting along great with staff is a good sign but doesn’t mean they will be a good employee. The candidate must have high motivation for the company’s success, not just their own. One benefit of digital interviewing has been a larger number of candidates from whom to choose. Why not use this opportunity to look for that perfect candidate who has the potential to become a loyal and high performing employee. Bring the Candidate to life