Engage job seekers where they are...their phones

Candidates want and expect access to information on the go and when it’s most convenient for them. So why not make your job postings accessible from anywhere with text to apply and QR codes!

Fill the funnel faster and look like the hero:

  • Easily and quickly expand marketing reach and effectiveness
  • Quickly expand your job ad reach with today’s #1 channel, Text!
  • Get job seekers to the right call to action faster by directly routing them to the most relevant landing pages or a direct link to apply
  • Seamlessly integrate with your ATS
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Easily engage with your candidate pool

Multiple recruiters, across multiple devices can create a big disconnect for your hiring team. HireVue Text Recruiting allows them to handle multiple candidate conversations, 1:1 or in bulk from one easy dashboard.

Having a consistent platform that captures all conversations in one place provides:

  • Convenience: Instead of multiple phone calls recruiters can quickly communicate with candidates when easiest for them
  • Efficiency: Allow recruiters to communicate with multiple candidates at once and create text campaigns to re-engage previous candidates
  • Compliance: Capture all text communication between recruiter and candidates that’s accessible and visible to the entire hiring team


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Learn why 850+ organizations trust HireVue


We won’t go back to traditional hiring because now we’ve seen all that virtual hiring has to offer.

Brenna GarbelmanTalent Acquisition Operations Manager, CenturyLink