HireVue Builder for Live: Enhance your structured interviews

August 15th, 2023
The HireVue Team

At HireVue, we talk a lot about the power of structured interviews to mitigate bias and make hiring fairer for everyone (here’s a refresher!).

We believe structured interviewing should be the standard of all interviews, because it ensures consistent evaluation among all candidates—essentially adding “structure” around the content of the interviews for fairer outcomes.

Hiring is truly multi-faceted, with on-demand and virtual interviews that allow for faster and fairer evaluations. And today, HireVue offers an expanded Builder, a key element of structured Interviewing.

But what is it and how does it work? Well, you’ve come to the right place.

Build interviews based on fairness.

So how do you actually structure an interview?

Builder gives you science-backed, validated questions specific to the competencies necessary for your role. And now with Builder for Live, you can bring consistency and structure to the live interview process in addition to on-demand.

Incorporating Builder into your tech stack makes hiring fairer by adding structure, meaning you’re asking and evaluating candidates on the same questions. By doing so, you’re helping candidates showcase their skills beyond just what their resume shows—which can actually reduce unconscious bias (for example, making decisions solely based on alma maters). 

This also creates a better experience for the candidates because they’re being asked questions and evaluated on things related to the role for which they are interviewing— so no more crazy, “if you were an animal” questions.

When you add structure, you make your hiring more consistent, fairer, and efficient—and who would say no to smarter hires in less time?

How does Builder work?

Let’s get into a bit of the technical advantages of Builder—you understand the concept, but how does the technology logistically work?

Builder allows you to build a live or on-demand interview with competency-based questions based on a specific role. Sales manager, bank teller, cashier, VP of marketing? We have you covered. Our technology breaks down the skills and competencies needed for that role—and they’re vetted by Industrial Organizational (IO) psychologists (not Google or ChatGPT). 

Plus, hiring teams no longer have to juggle multiple windows. The questions, anchored rating scale, candidate video, notes, and evaluator ratings are all conveniently located within the interview experience in one window. And did we mention, we integrate with your ATS? With HireVue, you can work within one, seamless hiring ecosystem, eliminating the stress of jumping between screens and ensuring continuity.

Builder makes hiring fairer by mitigating “gut-instinct” and unconscious bias in hiring. There’s no guesswork or manager reviews based on “who they like.” Rather, evaluations are guided by job-relevant behaviors. Builder standardizes the determination of what good and bad interview answers truly are with the anchored rating scale.

Bring speed to your race for talent.

TA teams are all too familiar with the importance of speed in hiring. When slow, outdated processes prevent quick offers, you lose out on top talent—because they’re going to where the offers are. 

Years ago, HireVue replaced the phone interview with on-demand video interviews—adding not only speed but fairness to the hiring process. And letting candidates schedule and complete their own interviews? That’s an essential part of enhancing the candidate and recruiter experience. 

When Great Southern Bank had an increase in vacancies and a 60% decrease in the volume of applications, they needed a solution that would allow them to sift through the 5,000 applications they still received in 12 months. 

They turned to HireVue video interviewing and assessments to better assess and identify talent. By partnering with HireVue’s IO psychologists, the bank highlighted the competencies needed to be successful in their Customer Contact Center, sales, retail, and corporate roles. 

After a CV screen of candidates who applied, successful individuals are invited to complete a HireVue OnDemand and Assessment in their own time. Hiring managers are then able to review and watch the responses, with the competency and cognitive reports, at a convenient time. This information is what informs decisions on who to advance to the next round. 

As a result of this process, Great Southern Bank has seen:

  • 43% faster time-to-hire
  • 60% less time screening applicants
  • 87% candidate satisfaction score
Review Background
“I love HireVue as it allows us to get a sense of the candidates before inviting them along to an interview. We can easily gain an indication of their experience and how they respond to situations to determine if they’re a good fit for the role. It ensures that we only go to the interview stage for high quality candidates, making the interviews that we do have more meaningful.”
Jennifer Moore, Financial Assistance Manager at Great Southern Bank

This is a small glimpse into how HireVue Structured Interviewing can help your company make better hires faster. Want to learn more? Request a demo and start making your hiring faster, fairer, and more flexible for everyone.