How assessment tools can help you hire graduates with the right skills

October 12th, 2022
HireVue Team

If there’s one word to describe today’s campus hiring, it’s busy. With companies hiring 31.6% more graduates this year than last, campus recruiters need a way to reach their top talent quickly.

But when many resumes look the same, how do you prioritize the right candidates? 

HireVue assessment tools allow teams to assess skills, not resumes, with science-backed data that shows you the true top talent. Assessments empower teams to recruit faster, improve the hiring process, and better assess quality talent.

How do you assess skills? HireVue offers a variety of tools to help teams better assess talent on the skills that matter and actually predict job performance. Builder is a structured interview tool that maps specific skills and competencies to job roles (including entry-level roles) and ensures all candidates are asked the same questions—so everyone is competing on a level playing field. And the best part? Hiring teams can say goodbye to searching for questions online. 

HireVue also offers Interview, Game-Based, and Coding Assessments that are easily incorporated into the hiring process and specifically designed for early talent. They take less than 20 minutes to complete and provide valuable insight into candidate skills.

  • Interview: Create a talent assessment, backed by our team of IO psychologists, that fits your job needs. Combine your interview and skills assessment into a single, unified candidate experience.
  • Game-based: These psychometric tests are great to use for pre-hires and provide data insight into personality, work style, and how candidates work with people and information.
  • Coding: HireVue also provides teams with a technical hiring solution that empowers non-technical hiring teams to still make smart hiring decisions. Coding challenges assess skills and provide insight into the most relevant job competencies. 

Why does it matter? Assessing candidates on job-relevant skills mitigates bias and provides the same hiring experience to every candidate—no matter their alma mater, GPA, or background. Better support your DEI&B goals by offering a consistent hiring experience with structured interviews and assessments. 

Not to mention, Gen Z cares about diversity, and if your workforce doesn’t show that your company does, too, there is a good chance they will go to one that does.

According to a recent survey:

  • 33% of college grads would reject a job without a diverse workforce
  • 26% would reject an organization without women in leadership positions
  • 25% would reject an organization without diverse leadership roles 

Another reason it matters? You can boost your candidate experience. Reach your graduates, young talent accustomed to technology, with mobile-friendly, text-powered solutions. Not only can you deliver structured interviews and assessments by text message with automated reminders—but your candidates can complete them on mobile devices. 

Scientifically measure potential. HireVue CEO Anthony Reynolds says it best, “Embracing skills is about embracing potential. An imminently qualified person may not have the exact experience you’re looking for, but they have the cognitive ability to quickly pick up new hard skills and already possess the necessary soft skills to thrive.”

Assessing your candidates with the right tools allows you to easily prioritize candidates based on their potential and work style—and when you hire high-potential candidates, you are investing in the future of your company.

Learn more about our campus hiring.