A Hiring Manager's Guide to Selecting Relevant Financial Advisor Skills

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In this guide, we’ll answer questions like:
  • Does financial education matter?
  • How do soft skills play a part in the hiring process?
  • Why should companies offer training and development?
  • How do you quickly and efficiently assess financial advisor skills?
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Here are some traditionally overlooked skills of an outstanding financial advisor:
  • Interpersonal communication
  • Empathy
  • Time management
  • Organization
  • Attention to detail
  • Analytical
  • Risk assessment
  • Trustworthiness
  • Problem solvinga

Financial recruitment software

An all-encompassing assessment scans beyond resume titles and education.

To leverage skills-based hiring to its fullest, hiring managers need to change how they assess candidates and interview applicants. And it starts with the right hiring tools.

Automated screening and assessments

With automated assessment software, hiring leaders can define specific candidate criteria using a comprehensive library of competencies. Then, use assessments and online tests to evaluate the skill sets that best match each role. And each candidate is evaluated the same way, ensuring that only the most qualified people move on to the next stage in the process.

Structured interviews

After candidates are assessed, the best ones move on to the interview. For a quick and fair process, hiring leaders should build their interviews with a structured interview tool. This tool offers job-related competencies, behavior-based questions, templates, and evaluation guides — allowing hiring managers to dig into competencies that actually matter.

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Connecting financial recruiters and frontline candidates

Changing how your organization assesses and hires financial advisors can be a major undertaking. And while the benefits are endless, the process can be challenging. That’s why HireVue offers the help you need from start to finish.

Our talent experience platform automates workflows and makes scaling hiring easy. To improve how you engage, screen, and hire talent, request a demo today.

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