2021 year in review: Hiring trends, industry spikes and what’s to come

December 21st, 2021
HireVue Team
Recruiting Teams
HireVue year end infographic for 2021

We know time basically has no meaning anymore, but we’d be remiss not to try and make some sense of what has happened to the world of talent in 2021. We saw some of the trends predicted in our global hiring trends survey come to life especially around technology’s rapidly expanding role- we saw our customers complete a record 7.5M interviews on the HireVue platform and 46M chat conversations. 

And since a picture is worth a thousand words, we’ve visualized this year’s HireVue data to show how our customers and candidates are using HireVue across the globe.

Thank you to all of our world-class customers and partners who have worked tirelessly to meet this year’s hiring circumstances. It is because of you that we saw such an unprecedented surge in volume in everything from video interviewing to text messaging.

2022 is sure to bring more surprises but HireVue is here to help create a disruption-proof virtual process that can help you find the best candidates, regardless of what the world decides to throw at us next.

To stay ready for 2022, download our recruiter’s guide to hiring when hiring is hard.