Assessments in Hiring Solutions: Unlock Efficiency

March 15th, 2024

If you were asked exactly how you evaluate talent, what would you say?

Resume reviews? Gut-instinct? Past credentials? Skills? 

In today’s economy, when 75% of global companies report talent shortages, teams are faced with a challenge—how do you not only find qualified hires but retain them for years to come? 

Finding hiring solutions that allow you to assess your talent based on skills and competencies, rather than alma maters or even years of experience, is critical in today’s climate. Not only are hiring assessments better predictors of success but they allow teams to build workforces that can succeed today and adapt to challenges tomorrow—all while boosting your hiring efficiency in the process. 

Types of Assessments

There are a variety of different types of assessments that you can incorporate into your tech stack. HireVue Assessments include interview, game-based, virtual job tryouts, and technical assessments that empower teams to back decisions with data instead of gut-instinct. And with an assessment for every role at any level, hiring teams can ensure they’re qualifying talent for the specific needs for specific roles. 

  • Interview assessments: Ensure your structured interviews and assessments are one cohesive, quick experience for your candidates. Our IO psychologists work with you to create a relevant talent assessment combined into a single, unified interview and skills assessment. 
  • Game-based assessments: These types of assessments are great for not only candidates but assessing for internal mobility and leadership potential. They’re quick and easy for candidates and make prioritizing candidates on the skills that matter simple. 
  • Technical assessments: You shouldn’t need technical experts to make qualified technical hires. These coding tests measure a comprehensive set of competencies and are auto-scored, so recruiters can advance the most qualified candidates to the hiring teams.
  • Virtual Job Tryout®: HireVue also offers the Virtual Job Tryout® which engages candidates in job-relevant exercises. Back your hiring with science, allow candidates to learn more about the role and if it’s a fit for them, and provide hiring team insights into candidates’ ability to do the job.

HireVue also offers Find My Fit, a quick and easy assessment that candidates complete at the beginning of their job search. They answer questions about their work styles, interests, and even personality before they’re presented with jobs that could be a great fit. By recommending roles based on skills and interests, candidates are empowered to apply to roles they may have never considered in the first place. 


How one HireVue customer saw 50% faster time-to-hire

Review Background
“We’re moving from experience-based recruitment to hiring potential, because we give these people full training. You know we’re hiring these people for what they can become, which is a real significant shift in our organization, but it ties into a bigger strategy base, which is moving to a talent management system based on skills as opposed to pure experiences”
HireVue Customer

One HireVue customer saw massave growth during the pandemic—230% to be exact. As a global tech company, they was battling enormous hiring logistics in the quest to hire more people faster and efficiently. 

HireVue has allowed them to move away from simple resume review as a method to assess and screen applications. They still have a CV as part of the process, but it’s only used to help create a Workday profile. 

Assuming that a candidate rules themselves in, they will then progress to the HireVue online assessment, which is a cognitive ability test. Candidates then self-schedule an in-person group assessment, using the HireVue chatbot, and that’s where the company creates the extra capacity to connect properly with an individual.

  • 50% reduction in time-to-hire, from 14 to 17 days
  • 2 weeks of recruiter time saved
  • 93% CSAT
  • 83% completion rate

Assessments lead to fairer hiring

One of the major advantages of incorporating assessments into your hiring is their ability to make hiring fairer. When you allow ethical AI, that is AI with third-party audits tested for bias, to back decisions with data, you give every candidate a fairer experience—and ensure your most qualified candidates are truly the most qualified. 

The Co-operative Bank is the world’s first and only UK high street ban with a customer-led ethical policy. The bank does not provide banking services to organizations that conflict with customers’ views on a comprehensive range of issues, for example: human rights, environmental stability, international development, and animal welfare.

The organization wanted to further back their ethics policies and ensure they’re hiring was as fair as possible. They turned to HireVue video interviewing, assessment, and gamification solutions based on key customer service competencies. The organization can now assess candidates based on job-relevant skills—instead of screening them simply using resumes.

The Results
  • 90% reduction in bas
  • 50/50 gender hiring split
  • 90% CSAT score
Review Background
“One of the biggest benefits that the business saw was around reducing unconscious bias. HireVue has helped reduce bias by 90% from the hiring process, which has contributed to achieving a 50 / 50 hiring split for gender across all levels of the business so far in 2021. Previously, this was 70 / 30 and male dominated. The Executive Committee is now also very diverse with a 50 / 50 gender split. This really helps other people in the business aspire to be what they can see.”
Richard Matthews, Head of Talent and Resourcing, The Co-operative Bank


Read the Co-Operative Bank case study here.

Ready to see what assessments can do for your hiring? Request a demo today.