Thurgood Marshall + HireVue

Thurgood Marshall improves campus hiring strategy

+ Challenge

Engagement quality suffers with high-volume demands

The Thurgood Marshall College Fund (TMCF) helps students acquire a high-quality college education at an affordable cost. One of their missions is to identify and prepare students attending member-schools who have significant leadership potential. TMCF’s award-winning Leadership Institute is a national program that prepares carefully selected students from the 47 publicly-supported Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) to compete in today’s very competitive global workforce.

Scott Lilly, VP of Programs at TMCF and President of TMCF’s Innovation and Entrepreneurship division, knows how challenging it is to narrow down those selected for the Leadership Institute Program. “It’s a rigorous and time consuming process to select the candidates chosen. We have about 1,500 applicants for 400 slots. Over the past few years, we began to question the quality of our engagement with students due to the sheer volume and number of meetings we had to conduct.”

“We recognized we needed to redesign our process in a way that would allow us to thoroughly assess candidates, improve the quality of our engagements with students, and double down on the rigor while increasing efficiency”

VP of Programs and President of Innovation and Entrepreneurship

+ Solution

HireVue’s video interviewing technology helps transform the student selection process

TMCF selected HireVue’ to empower the recruiting team to better assess and identify talent while making the most of their time on campus. “We needed to level the playing field and ensure we weren’t missing out on the best applicants. This is where we chose HireVue to underpin how we were identifying the best candidates,” explained Lilly. He continues “HireVue has given our team the ability to be more selective with their time on campus and ensure they’re meeting with students who have the greatest potential. They’ve already gained tremendous insight by watching them via video and seeing how they present themselves and how they communicate – something they couldn’t see when looking at an application or a resume.”

Lilly and his team also found that HireVue promoted a group consensus in the selection process. “It’s been incredibly well received by that team and provides a mechanism for providing feedback. If they want to know why a student was or was not selected, we can point to the interview as a record. Our partners value our innovative approach to the selection process” Lilly states.

“HireVue makes it easy for us to look beyond a 4.0 GPA and get to know the student and their story.”

VP of Programs and President of Innovation and Entrepreneurship

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Improving engagement

Better candidate insights